
卵の価格が高騰しておりますが、我羅奢では まだしばらくは、デフォのらーめんに半個の味玉をつけております🥚 今後、このサービスは中止する可能性もありますので、お早めにお越し頂けると有難いです。 #らーめん #ramen #味玉子 The price of eggs has skyrocketed, but at Garasha, we will continue to add half a flavored egg to our default ramen for a while. For a while yet, we will be serving the default ramen with half an ajitama (seasoned egg) 🥚. We may discontinue this service in the future, so we would appreciate it if you could come as soon as possible. #ramen #ramen #Aji Tamago